Thursday, July 7, 2016

Scott Adams and the FBI

For those who, like myself, were completely bewildered by FBI Director James Comey's 15-minute press conference in which he spent the first 14 minutes explaining in great detail all the ways Hillary Clinton lied, broke the law, covered-up and willfully mishandled classified information, and then announced that the FBI was recommending no indictments, I suggest reading Scott Adam's latest post "The FBI, Credibility and the Government". It gives an entirely different perspective on the whole affair.

Adams points out that Comey's decision not to recommend indictments means that the voters will determine who the next  president is rather than the FBI Director (on the quite reasonable assumption that indictments would have ended Hillary's chances for good).  And I agree that is the better outcome, because then the  election result, whatever it is, will have more credibility with the nation, and government needs credibility to function.

But if the majority of voters are foolish enough to overlook what Hillary has done, in this case and in previous scandals, they will get what they deserve.  Not that Trump is any better a choice, of course.