Saturday, October 8, 2016

A dangerous moment

This week’s revelations about the two presidential candidates  – the leaked tape of Trump’s comments about women and the leaked contents of Hillary’s speeches to Wall Street groups -  doesn’t really change anyone’s opinion about either of them.  Trump is an arrogant, sexist entrepreneur and Hillary is an arrogant, deceitful politician – that is hardly new news.  We have two badly flawed candidates, or as a British friend put it to me recently, ”the evil of two lessers”.  Whichever one we elect will be despised by half the electorate, and only grudgingly supported by most of the remaining voters.  This hardly makes for a mandate of any sort.

Of far more concern, really, is the increased aggressiveness of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, as well as a number of other despots around the world.  Not since the presidency of Jimmy Carter have the world’s bullies felt they had such a free hand. President Obama may have though he was being measured and thoughtful, but his opponents see him as weak and indecisive – probably from the moment Assad stepped over Obama’s “red line” on chemical weapons in Syria and Obama failed to follow through on this theat. Now in the final lame-duck months of his term they are testing him mercilessly, and he is looking pretty ineffective.

Matthew Continetti has a thoughtful article in today’s Washington Free Beacon; The Guns of October. He argues that this is a dangerous time.  It is worth reading this in the light of the upcoming election.  Hillary will probably be elected; she is a cold war warrior by nature anyway, and in addition will be out to prove a woman can be as tough as a man.  Besides, she really hates Putin, not least because he is obviously meddling in the US election against her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a dangerous faceoff with Russia early in her term.

All of which is to say that this ugly election is probably only the beginning of a difficult decade or more for America. Hillary may live to rue the day she was elected.