Saturday, October 15, 2016

Media statistics

I suggested months ago that Trump had an uphill battle because the entire Washington establishment – Republican and Democratic alike – opposed him because he was an outsider who threatened their cozy world. He of course has made their job easier by his intemperate campaign and manifest unsuitability for the job. But even if he had been an outstanding candidate they still would have done their best to bring him down.

The current media statistics show just how biased the mainstream media has become. A recent article in The Hill reported that a review of the tapes of the evening news over the period when this last flap occurred showed that NBC, CBS and ABC nightly news together devoted a total of 23 minutes to coverage of the attacks on Trump for his sexism, but only a total (across all three networks!) of 57 seconds to the revelations about Hillary from the hacked WikiLeaks emails.

Of course sex sells better than substance in the media, but 23 minutes (favoring Hillary) to 57 seconds (favoring Trump)? Hardly an unbiased press!