Friday, November 11, 2016

In retrospect

In retrospect I’m astounded by the hypocrisy of the Democrats in this last election.  It didn’t really come home to me until I began thinking about Trump’s win and Clinton’s loss. But the more I think about it the more obvious it becomes.

Hillary blasted Trump repeatedly for fear mongering, even while she and her surrogates in the press did everything they could think of to paint a Trump presidency as fearful and Trump as a nut who would be dangerous around the nuclear codes.

Hillary blasted Trump repeatedly for his “stupid” idea of building a wall across the US-Mexican border, conveniently forgetting to mention that the Obama administration has already built about 670 miles of it themselves. 

Hillary blasted Trump repeatedly for his proposal to deport illegal immigrants, conveniently omitting to mention that the Obama administration had already deported 2.5 million illegal immigrants, more than the combined total of all previous presidents.

Hillary blasted Trump repeatedly for derogatory labeling of groups, even while she and her surrogates in the media were labeling Trump voters as ignorant, sexist, racist, “deplorables”.

Funny how the (mostly #ImWithHer) press failed to notice this hypocrisy.