Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ideological blindness

One of the most remarkable things about this presidential election is the amazing degree to which ideology has blinded the Democrats. They lost the election for a number of fairly obvious reasons – a weak, scandal-ridden candidate, the historical tendency of American voters to vote to change parties after a two-term president, and their failure to pay attention to the economic plight of their largest and most important base, the working class. A pragmatist would simply say “Oops, I goofed” and get on with repairing the errors and getting ready for the next election. But not the ideologues in the Democratic party.

Hillary’s team has joined Jill Stein’s expensive but meaningless effort to get votes recounted in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, even though (a) there is no evidence of any significant voter irregularities in any of these states, (b) no past recount has ever found enough change to overcome the Trump lead in any of these three states, and (c) a recount would have to change the result in all three of these states for Trump to lose the Electoral College vote. Stein’s motive may have been as a scam to raise money from gullible liberals for one of her future campaigns, but what is Hillary’s motive?

The mainstream liberal press is rushing around trying to find – or create - dirt on anyone Trump looks likely to pick as a cabinet member. Did she 20 years ago make a sarcastic remark that can be stretched to imply racism? Did he once own some stock in a coal company that was fined by the EPA?  Did a neo-Nazi nut once say in public that he liked her? Does he have a third cousin twice removed who was once arrested on a DWI?  The liberal press is so desperate to keep up the hysteria that they are ignoring the question of whether these people are competent (most are) in favor of trying to paint them as evil as possible. Of course all of this is satisfying to the liberal base, because it feeds what they want to believe, but it keeps them blinded to the hard truths they need to face if they are to regain power.

And of course the liberals keep harping on the fact that Hillary won the popular vote. She did, but only because she won so many votes in New York City and Los Angeles. Remove those two cities, and she lost the popular vote across the rest of the nation by almost 2 million votes. But more to the point, for very good reasons we elect presidents vie Electoral College votes, not popular vote. That’s the system. If it makes liberals feel better that she won the popular vote, so be it, but in fact it is irrelevant and distracts liberals from the hard self-examination they need to recover their fortunes.

Then there is this insane movement to try to get the Electoral College delegates to vote against their pledges. If you think this election was a popular revolt, imagine what sort of revolt would occur if 60+ million Americans, many of them armed and all of them furious, suddenly found that their vote didn’t count because someone tampered with the system. We would likely have civil war in the streets, and I wouldn’t blame them.

And finally there is the re-election of the Democratic Party leadership, which looks like it will put back in place the very same people whose flawed far-left ideology and stale message has resulted in the decimation of the Democratic Party locally and nationally over the past decade.

There are many progressive causes that make sense and are worth supporting, but they will not be represented effectively by people as ideologically blinded as the current crop of liberal politicians and journalists.