Friday, November 11, 2016

The liberal’s worst nightmare

Hillary supporters thought their worst nightmare had come true on election night when Donald Trump won. But that might not turn out to be their worst nightmare.  Their worst nightmare might be a Trump presidency that is more successful than the eight Obama years, showing just how inept the Washington liberals have been since Obama came into power.

Impossible? Well, realistically it isn’t a very high bar. Trump doesn’t really have to do too much to be better than Obama.

He doesn’t have to completely solve the structural problems in the workplace that have put so many Rust Belt workers on unemployment – he just has to pay attention to their plight and do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to help them rather than ignore them as part of the uninteresting “flyover country”.

He doesn’t have to perform an economic miracle with the economy – he just has to get growth going again instead of deciding, as the liberals did, that 2% growth is the “new normal” and we will be satisfied with it.

He doesn’t have to solve the Middle East mess – he just has to get us out of it and stop hemorrhaging American lives and money in a lost cause. (We have invested about $4 TRILLION and about 8000 American lives in these wars – the longest in America history -  and things are far, far worse throughout the entire Middle East than when we first went in to invade Iraq)

He doesn’t have to solve the problem of rising medical costs – he just has to put something workable in place to pick up the pieces as Obamacare fails.  He doesn’t even have to repeal Obamcare to get rid of it (though he may anyway) – it is failing of its own accord because it never was fiscally sustainable.

He doesn’t have to make Congress work well – he just has to make it work at all, to actually pass a budget on time, to actually get some legislature through.

My guess is that he may well achieve at least this much (and we all, liberal and conservative, Republican and Democrat alike, had better hope so!!), because this isn’t really a very high bar.  And if he does, he will look a lot better than the last eight years!

And that will be the liberal’s real nightmare.