Sunday, January 29, 2017

Recommended: Separating Fact from Hysteria on Trump Refugee Order

Those who are emotionally committed to being outraged at anything and everything the Trump administration does can just stop reading here. Those who want some real perspective might find it interesting to read David French’s article in the National Review today: Separating Fact from Hysteria on Trump Refugee Order.

Yes, the implementation of the order was a little ham-handed, in that the immigration service wasn't given advance warning to prepare for the change.  On the other hand if they had been given a few days warning it would have surely leaked and no doubt prompted a flood of last-minute refugees trying to beat the deadline. But the order itself, if you read the article, isn't that much out of line with policy under previous presidents, including Obama. And it doesn't single out Muslims, despite the hysterical claims by liberals; it singles out anyone from those named countries that have ongoing terrorist activity.

The press clearly isn't used to having a president who actually does what he promised to do on the campaign trail, and moreover does it promptly. As one other writer put it, 

Half of America — the coasts and the big cities — is apparently shocked by Trump’s eagerness to start delivering on the promises that got him elected in the first place. They’re not used to a politician who not only means what he said on the campaign trail, but also is not dissuaded by the usual recalcitrant Washington bureaucracy, media nitpickers and congressional back-scratchers.
Doesn’t he know how the game is played? That the rule is to wink at the rubes who make up your base, then quickly join the insider’s game. After all, Republicans like the horse-trading majority leader Mitch McConnell and senator John McCain have fashioned entire careers out of promising their constituents one thing and delivering their big donors something altogether different. Surely, D.C. will corrupt Trump the way it has most everybody else.
Worst of all, they can’t believe the other half of America is actually cheering Trump on as, on one hot-button issue after another, he’s giving them exactly what they voted for, at warp speed.