Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Finally we are beginning to see some hard-headed and realistic analysis of why the Democratic Party has been losing so badly and so steadily for the past decade or so. William Greider summarizes the new report in The Nation in his current article What Killed the Democratic Party, and it is well worth reading.  The full 34-page report is available online at this link: Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis.

The authors are certainly correct that Democrats have to go back to appealing to their working class core constituents, but I’m not sure they are going to manage that by following Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren yet further left. That strategy might possibly win them the presidency next election if Trump’s administration continues to be so chaotic, but I don‘t think it is a viable long-term strategy because I don’t think the far-left proposals are either economically or politically viable either nationally or at the state and local level, and I think a continued swing to the far left will ultimately doom the party. America as a whole is more centrist.