Thursday, June 27, 2019

Media bias

I suppose it is by now obvious to most people that the media has ceased to simply report straight news and become partisan activists for one side of the other. Still, sometimes it really is blatant.

The Supreme Court just refused to rule on the gerrymandering of Congressional districts by state legislatures. Their reasoning, which I agree with, is that they have no Constitutional power to intervene - the forming of Congressional districts is a power specifically delegated to the states and there is no legal basis for the federal courts to intervene. The written ruling, however, states explicitly that the court "does not condone excessive partisan gerrymandering".

Nevertheless, the headline on several news sources today is " US top court upholds partisan gerrymandering".  They did no such thing; they just said it was not within their power under the Constitution to intervene - something entirely different. This twisting of the headlines, and the subsequent stories, is rampant these days. It's no wonder polls show so few people trust the news media anymore.