Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Do they get it, or don't they....

Here we are in the crisis of a generation, and Congress is still playing petty political games. Both parties are trying to stuff partisan goodies into the latest desperately-needed Senate bill to deal with the economic fallout of the CORVID-19 pandemic. There are real and valid disagreements about just what financial moves would help most, and how best to implement them, and I don't blame Senators for arguing about those issues, but they ought to pass a clean bill dealing just with the crisis, and not try to shoehorn in all their unrelated pet projects.  House speaker Pelosi has produced an even more partisan goodie-loaded House bill, but fortunately it will probably go nowhere.

It doesn't help that a few Senators seem to have done some insider trading on their advance knowledge, nor that all the old (mostly men) in Congress seem to be getting worried about their own health more than the health of the nation. No wonder the nation is so cynical about politicians.

On the other hand, as Peter Zeihan pointed out today on his blog, Congress has done more in the past week than it has in the last decade, so I guess that is something.