Friday, March 6, 2020

Recommended: The Storm Before The Calm

George Friedman’s latest book, The Storm Before The Calm, is well worth reading. Friedman has looked at America’s history and identified two cycles. One cycle is America’s periodic rethinking of the government’s role, and that seems to occur about every 80 years (World War II’s massive expansion of government power was the last one). And then there is a 50-year economic cycle, in which we disrupt the economic model. Both are coming to the end of their cycle together in the 2020-2030 era, which he predicts will produce substantial unrest (the Storm), but then, as we always have in the past, we will accommodate to the new reality (the Calm).

This is fundamentally an optimistic book, but Friedman does think we will go through turbulent times in the next decade, for which Trump’s election and Sander’s rise is not the cause but simply a symptom of the growing problems that will drive the cycles.