Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Rabid Left

Neither the liberals nor the conservatives have been particularly civil to each other during the past few years (recall Nancy Pelosi calling the Republicans "Irrelevant" during the push to get the ObamacCare bill through), but the language of the left in the past few days over the Debt Ceiling bill has turned positively pathological. Several commentators have noted that the liberal elites are apoplectic that they have "lost", and simply can't come to terms with the fact that the whole nation doesn't agree with their obviously superior thinking.

For example, Robert Tracinski very effectively dissects Paul Krugman's latest outburst in his piece The Peculiar Madness of Paul Krugman. Charles Lane in the August 3 Washington Post has a piece, Liberals in Denial About Their Own Incivility, which notes that, although they are quick to call the Tea Party on any "uncivil" language, they seem blind to their own incivility.

A review of the posts from the major liberal pundits and "talking heads" over the past few days reveals a torrent of invective toward Republicans and especially the Tea Party caucus (terrorists, extortionists, jihadists, madmen, Satan sandwich, crap sandwich, irresponsible, stupid, unpatriotic, etc, etc) and not a single serious suggestion about how better to deal with the debt problem.

It is not an attitude likely to win over an independent voter like myself.