Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Recommended: Rick Perry and Texas Job Numbers

Governor Perry has entered the presidential primary race, and considering that Texas has produced half of all the new jobs created since this recession started, he has a bit of credibility among fiscal conservatives. The rest of the nation is still depressed, and Texas is booming!

Naturally enough, all sorts of pundits, especially liberal ones, are trying to spin this fact in some way which makes their own side look better, and as a result there have been a lot of unsubstantiated claims that these numbers aren't really so impressive.

To the rescue comes the site PoliticalMath with a well-researched piece Rick Perry and Texas Job Numbers, with a refreshingly original approach -- LET'S LOOK AT THE DATA!

I'm not enamored of Governor Perry for president for other reasons, but it seems to me one has to take seriously the success of Texas's small-government, low-taxes, minimal-regulation approach. It is working, and whatever we are doing in the rest of the nation isn't.