Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Recommended: When a Cut is not a Cut

Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) is considered a crazy man by the liberals, because he actually believes the government ought to live within its means (imagine that!), and not spend more than it takes in, and not continue to push the national debt up into the default zone -- among liberals in Washington this is apparently just plain outrageous!!!  He has written a piece in The Hill which is pretty clear and simple: When a Cut is Not a Cut

As he points out, nobody cut anything in this latest debt ceiling deal -- all they did was agree to slow the GROWTH  in government spending by an imperceptible amount.  As the chart below shows, under the Obama administration annual government spending has risen sharply to almost a quarter of the entire nation's GDP.

Funny, I don't find Ryan's position outrageous; it seems to me just plain common sense. What I do find outrageous is the administration's position that we should just keep increasing spending, irrespective of the debt or the looming fiscal crisis from entitlements.