Saturday, August 13, 2011


Here is the fundamental reality that dooms liberal's long-term chances of turning America into a European-style socialist democracy, however hard they try, whomever they manage to elect as President, whichever parts of Congress they may temporarily control:

As this long-term trend from the Gallup Poll shows, the nation is overwhelmingly center-right (40% conservative and 35% moderate) and has been for as long as they have asked the question. In the face of this, left-wing socialist plans are always going to meet stiff opposition, as they have with this administration.

Liberal pundits and politicians can talk about conservative "extremists" and "neanderthals" and "terrorists" all they like, and it won't change the underlying political preferences of the nation. Some moderately "socialist" policies have been successfully established, like Social Security and Medicare, and the nation has tolerated, even supported those as long as times were good and money was easy. Now that the crunch is coming, however, the underlying political nature of the country will almost certainly prevail. It is an unpleasant reality for liberals, but it is the reality.