Wednesday, July 23, 2014

More anti-Semitism

I see today that Navi Pillay, the UN's top human rights official, has charged that Israel "may have committed war crimes" in its battle in Gaza.  Apparently Hamas' suicide bombings, indiscriminate rocket attacks, kidnappings and murders of both Israelis and Muslims who oppose them, deliberately placing rocket launchers and fighters among civilians to maximize civilian deaths, and cross-border incursions through tunnels in an attempt to murder Jews who live near the border don't count as war crimes. But Israel's military attempt to stop the rocket fire on its own people does.  Amazing!

The UN's Human Rights Council is clearly anti-Semitic. It has little to say about war crimes anywhere else in the world, especially in the member's own countries, but is remarkably quick to jump on anything Israel does.

I also notice that the world press keeps making the point that Israel has killed more Palestinians that Hamas has managed to kill Israelis. Not surprising, since Israel has poured billions into shelters and missile defense systems to protect its population, while Hamas has poured its millions into tunnels and rockets, and spent next to nothing on protecting its own people.  But Hamas' lack of success in killing Israelis isn't for want of trying. Apparently being better and more competent than your attacker counts against you in this game.  On that basis we ought to castigate our police more, and give criminals better press.