Tuesday, July 29, 2014

There is something inexorable….

There is something inexorable about events these days. Human stupidity and short-sightedness seems to dominate the world’s affairs.

In Gaza the Palestinians seem to have reacted to Israel’s attempts to stop the rocket fire by supporting Hamas even more strongly, apparently oblivious to the fact that their pain and misery has been largely caused by Hamas. In Israel the Israeli public is now almost totally behind the Gaza war, even though there is no conceivable way they can fully suppress Hamas short of reoccupying the Gaza strip, with all the guerrilla war that would entail.  And Secretary Kerry seems to have managed to alienate everyone on both sides with an unbelievably inept performance that has clearly diminished America’s leverage in that region of the world.

Meanwhile in Russia the Russian people seem to have drunk the cool-aid and largely bought into President Putin’s propaganda about Western culpability in the Ukraine, and about the promise of restoring a “Greater Russia”, never mind that the Russian economy, never strong to begin with, is now headed down the toilet.  Europe has finally found their spine today, at least temporarily, and added some economic pressure on President Putin, but he has probably already passed the point of no return on this issue – backing down now after whipping his public up to a fever pitch would probably end his political career, so he almost certainly won’t back down, but will probably double down on his Ukrainian adventure.  And indeed he may calculate, perhaps correctly, that the Europeans are too feckless, too greedy, and too worried about losing business to hold together in their opposition very long. One can only hope that some of the oligarchs that support him will feel the pinch enough to try to remove him –but it won’t be easy.

If the Ukrainian “rebels” continue to lose ground, despite the continued flow of “volunteers” and heavy weapons across the Russian border, Putin may well use the excuse of “defending Russians” to openly invade, and there is no evidence that either Europe or America has the will to actively oppose him with military forces, or even to supply the Ukrainian government with weapons to help defend themselves.  And if he isn’t opposed, he will no doubt move on to gather in other bordering regions he covets, like Moldovia.  This is eerily reminiscent of the muted and temporizing European reaction to Hitler’s early advances, which led ultimately to World War 2. So much for President Obama’s much vaunted “Russian reset”.

Meanwhile in the Middle East the new “caliphate” is busy taking territory and killing anyone who doesn’t share their religious views (with hardly a peep from the very media that is so outraged at the deaths in Gaza), but the Iraqis can’t manage to get together to form a cohesive government to oppose them, even with their very existence at stake. And in the background the civil war is Syria just bubbles along like a festering wound, creating ever more jihadist movements and recruits.

And across much of the world peoples and nations hope for the diminution of American influence, even for the downfall of America itself, apparently oblivious to the consequences that would follow.  The disappearance of America hegemony in the world would almost surely be followed either by a much more repressive hegemony by some authoritarian nation like Russia or China, or more likely by the sort of worldwide anarchy that is beginning to pervade the Middle East.

Perhaps it is because I have a cold today, but I really don’t see much to be optimistic about in all of these situations. Our current administration isn’t showing much competence in handling these issues, and I don’t see anyone in either party who looks likely to do better.  We in America are as trapped by the illusions of our world view as the Russians are by theirs and the Israelis by theirs and the Palestinians by theirs, etc, etc, etc.  Barbara Tuckman’s excellent book “The Guns of August” documents how the world drifted inexorably toward World War I through the illusions and incompetence of the people in power, and the gullibility of their publics, and it looks to me like much the same is happening now.