Friday, May 6, 2016

Trump and “America first”

On April 27th Donald Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee for president, gave a foreign policy speech.  It was short on details, as all such speeches are at this stage in an election, but its basic message was that he would look out for America first.  That brought universal derision from the East Coast media and foreign policy experts, as well as from Hillary Clinton.

Excuse me?  What nation doesn’t look out for itself first? China certainly does. Russia certainly does. North Korea certainly does.  India and Pakistan and France and Germany and …and … and….  Every nation looks out first for its own national interests.  What else is a national government for if not to look out first for the interests of the people who elect it? If America doesn’t look after its own interests just who will?

For example, he is perfectly right that NATO isn’t pulling its weight.  NATO members, by agreement, are each supposed to spend at least 2% of their GDP annually on defense.  Of the 28 NATO members, only 5 currently meet that requirement (the US, Great Britain, Greece, Poland, and Estonia). The rest rely on America to provide what they are unwilling to fund.

I have no idea if Trump really knows how to look out effectively for our national interest, but it seems to me telling that the establishment thinks this is a crazy thing to do.  It seems to me the only people who wouldn’t care if a president looked out first for the interests of the nation that elected him would be big multinational corporations and the international billionaires who move their money around the world and don’t consider themselves citizens of any particular nation.  Is that who the current East Coast political establishment is beholden to?

This seems to me one more symptom of how the current ruling establishment is out of touch with the common American voter.