Monday, September 16, 2019

The new Kavanaugh accusation

I suppose by now we ought to all be used to how vicious the Washington street fight has become. And by now we all know that the New York Times long ago ceased to be a reliable source of news and became an outspoken political activist. Still, I am surprised by how bad it has become.

The new accusation against Supreme Court justice Kavanagh was a major New York Times story over the weekend. It just (conveniently) left out one small detail – the alleged victim apparently doesn’t recall any such incident! After the internet pointed this out, the Times this morning posted a (very small) note admitting the fact. No apology, of course, just the admission that they left out a small detail which actually invalidates the entire claim.  In fact, the entire story, it turns out, is based on the claims of only one person, who suspiciously turns out to be a Democratic lawyer who unsuccessfully defended President Clinton in the Whitewater investigations against - guess who – Bret Kavanaugh, who at the time worked for Independent Council Ken Starr, who was leading the investigation.

None of this, of course, has prevented several of the Democratic candidates (Warren, Harris, Sanders and Castro so far) from promptly calling for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. So much for due process or the American legal principle of “innocent until proven guilty”.  Which is exactly why there is no way in hell I would vote for any of them.