Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Talk about hypocracy....

As I mentioned before, I'm not particularly happy with the Trump administration, but I must say that the Democrats – politicians and media alike – have reached a new high in hypocrisy this week.

Exhibit A: Democratic outrage at the possibility (now almost certainty) that the Republicans will invoke  the “nuclear option” and change the Senate rules to eliminate the filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, even though it was the Democrats themselves, under Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who on Nov 21, 2013 used the very same nuclear option against the Republicans, and it was Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine who  boasted on TV on Oct 28, 2016 that the Democrats would use it when Hillary was elected to get their candidate approved.

Exhibit B: The liberal media’s public outrage at Trump’s claim that the Obama administration used the intelligence agencies as political weapons against his campaign, followed in the past few days by the sudden media silence and downplaying of the whole issue now that it has been revealed that Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security advisor, asked for access to the names of Trump’s campaign team (normally, pursuant to US law, US citizens names are masked or "blacked out" in any reports circulated)  that showed up in intelligence reports, and then made that information available to the press in leaks..

I certainly understand that the liberals are upset that they lost the election (though it was their own fault for backing such a flawed candidate), and politics has always been a dirty business, but I must say that this unremitting liberal Democratic attack on the Trump administration, including even the suborning of the intelligence community, is more vicious and dirtier than even the obstructionism of the Republicans against Obama’s policies, and that was pretty bad.