Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Talk about spinning the news…

Kansas just held a special election for the 4th Congressional district to elect a replacement for Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo, whom Trump appointed to head the CIA.  The Democrats mounted a fierce campaign to try to win the seat as a demonstration of how unpopular the Trump administration was. They failed; Republican Ron Estes won by 7 points. Any rational observer would see the Democrats failed. 

But not the New York Times, who promptly printed an article entitled A Republican Wins in Kansas. It’s Still a Loss for the G.O.P.

Their logic? Trump won the district by 27 points; Estes won it by only 7 points. So that shows how poorly the Trump administration in particular, and the GOP in general, is doing.  It is amazing to what extremes the liberal media will go to try to support the narrative they seem to have to believe in. Well, if I were a Republican I would be delighted. An opponent who can’t see reality is an opponent who is far easier to defeat.  And right now Democrats can’t seem to see reality.